Spruced up Shelter from the Storms

It’s been a week of watching and waiting; watching the skies and waiting for the promised storms to arrive.

While Monday’s tempest caused chaos for those around us, it very obligingly sidestepped Darfield – and our newly nude sheep.

Saturday afternoon, and Eleanor watches Sapphire get her haircut with a large dollop of resignation.

Not that we were that worried as, for the first time in forever, every animal on the property has weather-tight shelter with it’s back to the nasty southerly. We cannot fully express the joy this creates; A wonderful feeling that left us free to enjoy the magnificence of Wednesday’s storm with a collective clear conscience.

That Xanthe Cat, with her access-all-areas Homestead pass, chose to weather the weather from under a flax bush is simply proof positive that it takes all sorts.

As you can probably tell, the skies out here are still a thing of wonder to us: Star-crammed at night, and telling all kinds of stories we still can’t quite decode during the daylight hours. Those that have the knowledge are still folk of wonder to us; people like Chris the Shelterbelt trimmer, who aptly illustrated his magic when The Milk Maid threw herself in front of his tractor as he prepared to pull away from our adjoining neighbour’s perfectly sculptured front hedge.

Was he interested in having a go at ours, she asked hopefully (because sometimes it pays to be a little cheeky). He jumped out of the cab, looked to the South, looked at our shelterbelt, did that pursed-lips, sharp-intake-of-breath thing folk do round here when they’re weighing things up and said, yep, he reckoned he’d have time.

This left us with just the clean-up which we felt totally justified in leaving on account of the atrocious weather. That is, until today

Farm Girl and The Milk Maid quickly received a helping hand from The Farmer and Princess Nikita. Unfortunately, no photographic evidence of their input exists, mainly because the photographer could barely hold herself up let alone a camera by this stage.

A well-trimmed shelterbelt speaks volumes and we’re feeling pretty proud of ours. Storms be warned, we’ve got it covered!

14 thoughts on “Spruced up Shelter from the Storms

  1. You certainly have wide horizons where you are now – even wider wth that hedge trimmed down a bit. Those goat shelters look fabulous…are they anchored in some way, or portable? I’ve lived in the same place for more or less 40 years and I still don’t totally have the weather signs worked out. I thought my neighbour, Hay Guy, did but it turns out he listens to the government weather channel on the radio :). I’ve heard that the southerly on the Canterbury Plains can be ferocious, and I definitely noticed all the substantial shelter belts there a few years ago. We don’t have those here on the Island, but they do on the Prairies.

    • We’re feeling a little exposed at the moment but we’ll get used to it and you’re right: the horizon is huge!
      The goat houses are dug in a little at the bottom and don’t seem to have moved.
      The winds are pretty fierce here but the house has been placed on the section with that in mind so we feel pretty secure. Im relatively sure the weather will always be a mystery to me…Im not cut out to be a wisewoman😁

  2. The video of the tornado in Christchurch looked a bit scary! All those cars driving about seemingly unaware there was a giant hoover in the sky just about to suck them up!
    I’m glad you are all safe and sound and suffered no damage. Your shelter belt looks fine and will certainly protect you from most of the bad weather, I’m sure. I love the photos of the stormy skies!

  3. Hi, The green of the turf in your photographs is almost blinding. The countryside around here is summer brown. We had a vile day here last Thursday week with damaging winds causing havoc. It will take days to clean up the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens. I watched the remains of an old cypress being carried away on the back of a semi trailer yesterday.

    • The weather is crazy! We’ve not really had 2 consecutive days of similar weather: a day jn the high 20s is followed by rain and southerlies. Our hay is starting to brown up now, though…slowly but surely.

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