The Dreaded M Word

I’m not a great fan of maintenance. It’s a bit boring, usually a tad depressing because something is broken or rapidly heading in that direction, and it takes funds that could be used for new, exciting projects…or, at the very least, treat.

Still, life ain’t always a bowl of cherries and so teeth had to be gritted and, in this case, the plumber contacted. That occasional drip in the waterline into our tank had, over summer, turned into a pretty rapid drip-drip-drip; this I discovered while stacking the firewood in close proximity to said waterline. So a halt was called to the firewood chore to preserve it’s bone-dryness, the tarpaulin covering the remaining pile tucked in a little more securely, and , because this is the way life rolls sometimes, in the interim another maintenance task reared it’s ugly head.

This time it was personal – to The Bean Counter, that is. At about the same time the firewood arrived he began walking with a bit of a limp. The timing was commented on, don’t you worry! The limp was accompanied by a bit of an ache which slowly but surely grew in intensity so that, by the time a medical professional was involved a couple of days later, he was not enjoying life. It seemed that while he was wrangling some hay out of the back of the barn for the hungry goats, his foot had slipped between a couple of the bales he was standing on resulting in a painful bit of damage to his hip labrum.

More maintenance, this time in the shape of physio appointments and prescribed exercises but, as these things are wont to do, this all unfolded whilst his paid employment required his absolute presence. The two of us, therefore, retired to The Urban Outpost with its geographical benefits meaning an easier morning routine and I became his chauffeur for the few days it took for him to become a little more able.

This let me spend time getting the place ready for more of a project than maintenance: the painting of the bathroom and spare bedroom. The Engineer’s pre-purchase check had uncovered a leaking shower tray which had to be repaired before settlement. Over the intervening months, our dehumidifier and the warm summer have completely dried everything out but the bathroom and bedroom backing onto it needed a bit of freshening.

We’re really pleased with the results of our Easter Weekend investment.

Of course, all this was not allowed to get in the way of the annual Homestead Easter Egg Hunt

albeit without the assistance of The Farmer or Princess this year who spent their weekend meandering their way via the West Coast to do some plane spotting in Wanaka. We did save them some, though.

If the week prior to Easter was one of chaos, this has been one of resolution. The plumber has repaired the dripping pipe and The Bean Counter is now moving freely enough to return to normal duties – he may even be able to assist with stacking the remainder of the wood pile!

Life is looking good but there’s always some potential disaster lurking in the wings requiring a bit of the dreaded M word.

What do you reckon:

I’m sure the decision will be made for us before too long.

9 thoughts on “The Dreaded M Word

  1. My goodness! Lots of issues to deal with, but you all certainly rose to the occasion. I am so impressed with all that you do. Glad the Easter egg hunt went on as planned.

    • Any talk of the Easter Egg Hunt not happening is met with looks of horror. This was the 32nd one drawn up by The Bean Counter – a very tricky one based on compass points😊

  2. Creaky trees first. 

    Top marks for the maintenance, especially if the Bean Counter is doing all the prescribed exercises and not simultaneously overdoing things, a tricky balance to achieve.

    • Thanks for voting for the trees. The noises they make scare me but everyone else is very laid back about them. The Bean Counter was impressed at how quickly the exercises worked so he is a total convert!

  3. I’m with Tootlepedal – creaky trees. Our farmhouse is surrounded by very tall, very old trees, and I say a prayer pretty much every time we get gale force winds after a lot of rain. shortening them would be a lot less stressful. Well done on all the work at the Outpost – hopefully BC didn’t overdo - you need him on the Homestead. Funny how no one is too old for a bit of Easter chocolate. We did scale back quite a bit here this year, though – and no egg hunt – I was the one who was sad about that, but with the two egg hiders both using walkers, it really wasn’t a go. I don’t know my military aircraft silhouettes like I used to, but those have an F series look to them…and I didn’t think NZ had anything like that? But I am decades out of date….and Navy at that.

    • You’re on to it!The whole Warbirds over Wanaka now attracts flying things from the world over. They’re F16s apparently. The Farmer was very excited to be at his airport gig the night they and the refueling beast flew in.
      I understand you being sad about the lack of Easter egg hunt; every year I think it’ll be out last but they agitate for a repeat.
      Tree Guys are being called tomorrow. Phew! I’m with you in sending words skywards everytime the wind starts gusting.
      The BC is much better and raving about the physio! You’re right about his presence being required on the Homestead. A week of hauling hay (my most hated chore – the combination of weight, size and lurking rodents…ick) and upending feedbags was enough for me

Thoughts? Comments? Advice? We'd love to hear from you!