9 thoughts on “Sage Words Sunday a la Duo

  1. Well I stopped pointing out parallels but…Dr. Suess is also a favorite philosopher at the Walker home and at the moment, I am studying art from Dr. Suess!! So my Dutch inquisitive mind (= downright nosy) is awoken…who is the beautiful Princess Nikita? xo Johanna

      • Thanks! And how exciting to have a Princess added to the family. In the last couple of years, we have had several Princesses floating through the house here…some I was sad to see leaving, others not so much;0) So far, nothing serious. But it is exciting. Your Princess Nikita looks lovely.

  2. I did not know that was a Dr Seuss quote. In the Navy when I was a very lowly rank, we were constantly being admonished by one particular Petty Officer – I don’t mind, and you don’t matter. So it took me a couple of reads of the chalk board to get the quote right in my head, but now that I have – what a difference! And this must be my morning for enlightenment because I’ve only learned now that Rocky Road can be a dessert – until this moment, I always thought it was just a type of ice cream.

    • Rocky Road is the ultimate in decadence! Save the ice cream for affogato, I say – which is we intend to use the little coffee set (which I have also been hankering after – hoping that no one else would snaffle it before I could justify buying it) for.
      It’s amazing how, with a little spin, that quote can be turned from the ultimate put down to quite the pick-me-up.

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